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1982 東京生まれ
Bluesの即興性に惹かれ独学で学びはじめる。その後、ジャズのハーモ二ーの美しさと洗練された即興性に魅了され、18歳の頃からジャズへ傾倒、Macc Music School Jazz Guitar科卒。
コンテンポラリージャズのアプローチを市野元彦氏、Jazz Ear Training、Compositionを橋爪亮督氏(Ts)に師事。
ジャズのみならずクラシックギターでも活躍の場を広げ、2015、2016年には2年連続でスペイン、マドリードで開催されたChember art festivalに日本グループとして参加。
2018年自身のグループ Takoh Groupにてオリジナル作品「Still Remains」を発表。
また、自身の運営する「Dolphin Guitar School」では小学生から定年を迎えた方まで、幅の広い層にギター、作曲、音楽理論などのレッスンを行っているほか、地元東久留米のラジオ局FMひがしくるめにてパーソナリティも務めている。)
Makoto Takoh took up the guitar from an early age and began playing formally at the age of 14. First drawn by the improvisational nature of the blues, he was eventually captivated by the refined harmony and impromptu style of jazz, which led him to study jazz guitar at Macc Music School in Tokyo. He studied contemporary jazz with Motohiko Ichino and studied jazz ear training and composition with Ryosuke Hashizume. He has also branched into the genre of classical guitar, studying it with Masatomo Tomikawa. Takoh has played as a member of Tomikawa’s ensemble, whose appearance at Chamber Art Festival (Madrid, Spain) for two consecutive years (2015 and 2016) and performances at venues such as Ateneo and Museo Arqueológico Nacional were well received. As a soloist, he was also a finalist in the International Spanish Music Competition (held in Japan) for two consecutive years (2016 and 2017). Takoh’s jazz style, which blends in musical elements from the Spanish guitar and Japanese lyricism, has received praises from many musicians. Currently, he is active in Tokyo as a leader of own ensemble, Takoh Group, as well as performing with other trios. Keen on giving back and contributing to the local community where he grew up, he appears as a radio personality at a local radio station near his hometown, Higashikurume. Takoh Group’s 1st album, Still Remains, was released in 2018.
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